eBay Packing With Paper
This page has advice for using paper to wrap items. Here's general eBay shipping advice.
I first learned this simple technique years ago, and have found it to be a quick and easy way to wrap items in paper. This method provides excellent protection, and will allow you to pack items very quicking.
I use unprinted newsprint, but you can also use regular newspaper for your packing. The benefit of unprinted paper is there is no ink to mar the finish. Ink rubs off newspaper. You can buy this paper precut for about 80 cents a pound from any good packing supply house. You can also get end rolls from many local newspapers. Call your newspaper's distibution or printing center to see if they sell the end rolls.
If you use bubble wrap, wrap the item in paper, then bubble wrap. This will prevent the plasticizer in the bubble wrap from reacting to the paint. I have seen 85 year old items damaged by bubble wrap, so don't think that just because something is old it will be stable.
After wrapping in bubble wrap use a second layer of paper rather than using tape on the bubble wrap. The idea is to protect the items in shipping. Tightly taping fragile items inside a cocoon of bubble wrap will cause your eBay buyer's to have problems opening their packages. I have heard many stories of items being damaged by using knives to cut tape, or just pulling on taped up packages.
Here's step by step instructions for packing eBay items with paper:
 - Start with the paper flat, then place the item in across the corner closest to you.
 - Wrap the paper around the item once from the corner.
 - Roll the item once so it is completely wrapped by the paper.
 - Fold the left side across the top of the item. During this step you can leave the paper smooth on the end or wad it a bit to create a padded end.
 - Roll the item 180 degrees so the folded over left corner is on the bottom.
 - Fold the right side over the top of the item. By alternating the fold by 180 degrees you are protecting both sides and both ends from damage with additional layers of paper.
 - Roll item continusly until all paper is wrapped around the item. If there is paper sticking out from the ends as a result of the fold at step 6 fold this in after 1/2 a revolution.
There is no need to tape the paper closed. Just nest it within the box filled with packing peanuts with the loose fold down, and it will stay wrapped.
For heavy items use wadded up paper to keep the item from shifting. Lighter items can be packed with just peanuts.
There's a video showing a pair of boxes I received from eBay sellers on youtube. One of the shippers used paper like I've shown above. You can see the video and my comments at:
Proper Packaging of eBay Sales
"The IWantCollectibles Guide to Ebay Sales"
is now available for immediate download.
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