Improve Your eBay Auctions44 Common Mistakes Found In Many eBay Auctions ExplainedI recently asked my newsletter readers to look at an auction I'd selected on eBay, and then send me a list of at least five ways to improve the auction. I thought this would be a good way to get my readers to think about how to sell on eBay. You see, I know most eBay sellers just muddle through listing the first few auctions, and then never spend any time improving their skills. Instead of improving their skills they continue to blindly sell items on eBay without any thought. Even worse, I'd bet a majority of eBay sellers never even read eBay's help articles. Not that eBay's help menus will always point you in the right direction, but in most cases eBay will help you get closer to the doing it right than you'd do with no help at all.
how to do it better is a good way to learn. After asking my readers to look at the auction, I got almost 400 emails with lists of ways to improve the auction. Not surprisingly, I got correct answers in addition to the eleven I'd found, but I also got answers that were off the mark. In this report, I will show you the auction, my list of errors, and selected responses from my readers with my comments. When you get done reading this simple report, you will surely have improved your eBay selling skills. Because the report is 16 pages long - it's large text so it's easy read on a computer monitor - I've packaged it as a PDF. You can struggle through reading it within your browser by clicking on the link below, or you can save it to your computer by right clicking on the link, and then read it on your monitor full sized. You can even print it if you like. Download Improve Your eBay AuctionsRight click and select "save as" to save to your computer
More free reports to help you improve your eBay now available for immediate download. Many of the articles and free reports here on IWantCollectibles were originally sent to readers of my Antiques and eBay Newsletter. Not all articles make it onto the website, and readers also get notices of free reports and special offers. ![]()
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