About Terry Gibbs
Terry Gibbs has been buying and selling collectible trains and toys since he was in grade school. Shortly after eBay came on the scene, Terry started selling trains on eBay.
After a few months of eBay selling Terry started doing consignment selling for his friends. These sales grew, and within two years, he was the largest eBay consignment seller in the southwest.
Terry's experiences doing consignment sales led him to write "Start Your Own eBay Consignment Business" in 2002. This was the first book written about eBay consignment and has helped thousands of eBay sellers add consignment sales to their businesses.
Currently, Terry teaches people how to run profitable home based antiques and collectibles businesses. The strategies explained in his Collector Strategies package are used by thousands of collectors, dealers and eBay sellers all over the world to profitably find and buy antiques and collectibles.
If you are interested in acquiring items for your collection or for resale on eBay, Terry is the man to help you. His simple, yet powerful techniques will help you get a get a constant stream of people to sell you their antiques and collectibles.
EBay is a big part of the antiques and collectibles
market, and "The IWantCollectibles Guide to Ebay Sales" is consistently one of the most popular eBay ebooks
Terry Gibbs helps people run profitable home based antiques and collectibles businesses. This website contains antiques, collectibles and eBay tips.

A few recent articles about Antiques, Collectibles and eBay by Terry Gibbs
Ebay Protections for Buyers and Sellers
Ebay provides protections for buyers and sellers. This article contains a stories about eBay sales gone awry to explain how these protections work from a seller's point of view. eBay Sniper Program Review
Sniping auctions is when you wait until the last few seconds of an auction to bid. Being an auction sniper can save you considerable money because you don't have to worry about another bidder coming in and bidding the auction up. This article covers snipeing and reviews sniper programs. Updated Feb. 2020. You Are Missing Out On eBay Fee Credits
Last month I found out I'd been overpaying eBay most months. Actually, I'd been eligable for fee credits, but never requested them. You are probably in the same position. While it took an eBay suspension for me to learn this, you can learn quickly and easily by reading this short article.Lowering eBay Shipping Costs and Problems
Some general notes and advice about saving money on eBay shipping. This article will help you waste less money on shipping. Ebay Seller Update Fall 2018
EBay just announced the Fall 2018 eBay Seller Update. This article looks at how the changes will effect sellers, and explains how to work within them to keep sales up, and costs down. Improving Cross Sales and Surviving Ebay Summer 2018 Changes
Every year in June eBay makes changes to searches and categories that make it harder for buyers to find your items. After a few weeks the buyers will figure out work arounds or just stop buying on eBay. Here's some inforation to help you survive the changes.
Many of the articles and free reports here on IWantCollectibles were originally sent to readers of my Antiques and eBay Newsletter. Not all articles make it onto the website, and readers also get notices of free reports and special offers.
Most Popular Articles on IWantCollectibles
- Finding Products To Sell On eBay
How to find products to sell on eBay is the most common question I get from my readers. This page has links to all the articles and reports I've written about finding eBay products.
- How To Be An Antique Dealer
The best way to start an antiques or collectibles business. Part 1 of a five part series on being an antiques dealer.
- Understanding eBay Changes 2011
This page covers eBay changes and has links to all articles on IWantCollectibles about working within the changes. Sign up for my free newsletter for articles covering new changes as they are announced.
- Tips for Starting an eBay Consignment Business
Selling on consignment is the perfect way to start on eBay. This article is an introduction to consignment selling, and explains what you'll need to be successful. First in a series on eBay Consignment.
- Shopping For eBay Products At Garage Sales
Thirteen tips for garage sale shopping. Part one of a two part series on garage and yard sales.
- Finding New Products for eBay
If you want to sell new products you need to concentrate on items others are not selling. You need to find sources other sellers are unaware of. That is not hard to do. Here's a list of articles to get you started on the right path.
- eBay Auction Category, Title And Keyword Advice
A series of articles about getting your items found on eBay. Covers category selection, eBay keyword rules, and researching keywords. Finally you'll learn how to write an informative, keyword rich title.