Follow up to Ebay Managed Payments ReviewI've been on Managed Payments for a while now. At the end of October, I wrote a review and posted it online. Over the past month, ebay has been holding my money and lying to me. Over 6 hours on the phone with no resolution. Here's the story. . . I have two ebay accounts. The big one I sell used toys in 5 day auctions from Friday to Wednesday, and a smaller account where I sell mostly new small items that are cheap to end on Monday nights. In my earlier review of managed payments, I mentioned how eBay had asked me repeatedly to upload pictures of both sides of my driver's license. After two weeks of uploading pictures of my license, I called them on the phone and was told the birth date they had for me didn't match the driver's license. Just stupid crap. Once I talked to someone on the phone it only took them a few days to solve it. That was on the smaller eBay account. On November 10, the transfer from the smaller account did not go through. I got a message that said Declined Waiting for retry.
Specific details on 11-10 payout It was a $391 payment. I figured that meant eBay would retry and I'd get my money. I listed 40 items on November 11th. Of the 40 auction listings, not one received a single bid.
NONE OF THEM SOLD.In 22 years of selling on eBay I have never seen this happen before. I list items at about 40 percent of the expected selling price. One this account I usually have 85-100 percent of the listings sell. I don't know if this has anything to do with the payment not going through, but the payment still hadn't gone through. I didn't worry about it and didn't list anything to end the following week. The next week, I relisted the 40 listings that hadn't sold on the 18th, and also listed one of my dad's dodads for his wife. On Friday the 20th, I found some items in my closet I'd listed on the small account that hadn't sold. I tried to list them on eBay, but got a message saying:
[You can't list any items until you verify some details on your account. To do this, sign into eBay from a computer and go to Seller Hub.] [Payments2_KYC_Post_restriction_block] [1056519]You can't list any items until you verify some details on your account. To do this, visit Seller Hub.{e72044-1056519x} There was no request for information on the seller hub. TODAY as I write this 12 days later there is still no request for information on the seller hub. On the following Monday I had ebay call me. I was told the problem with the money was my bank account information was wrong. It was OK for months, but now I needed to delete it and then reenter it. After a few hours that would solve the problem. This would remove the listing block and my money would flow again. Later that night, 1 of the 40 items sold, and my dad's dodad sold.
Pitiful.On Tuesday, the listing block was still there and I hadn't gotten my money. There is usually a message saying the transfer has been initiated and I'll have my money in 3-4 days. I had eBay call me. I explained the listing block and the money not coming through and was told I had a selling limit on my account that had been set to zero. When I asked about the limit, I was told I always had a limit of $2500 a month on this account. Here's a screen cap of the invoices for this account over the last 18 months:
Every time the invoice is for more than $260, that account did more than $2500 in sales. Up until September 2020, I paid 9.25% final value fees. I never use any extra features except occasionally listing in two categories. Now, you and I both know the rep on the phone was blowing smoke up my ass, but there's no value in me arguing with him. He said he'd raise the limit to $2500 a month, and I could start listing once once it went through which might take a few hours. A few hours later I still couldn't list so I had eBay call me again. This time the woman raised the limit to $25 grand. This had no effect, but hey she's trying.
As you'll see later, I'm a security risk, but they'll let me sell $25 grand a month on eBay just because I asked nicely.On Wednesday, November 25th I still hadn't gotten my money, and the listing block was still on the account. I had eBay call me again. After confirming my identity the woman said, “What seems to be the problem today?” I am surprised I didn't loose it right then. I said I can't list and I haven't been paid. I also read the message I posted above. This woman put me on hold and then after I waited for ONE HOUR AND SEVEN MINUTES I hung up. On Friday I got a call from another woman at ebay. AGAIN I EXPLAINED THE PROBLEM. The woman put me on hold and came back to say it was a block on my account because my Employer ID number was written on a post it note and then photographed. I said I'm pretty sure they bitched about this before, and I uploaded a photo of the original letter from the IRS with this number on it. She said she had the photo of the letter from IRS, but I'd only uploaded the top third of the letter and they needed the entire letter. I try not to curse in these articles so I just deleted a line. The rest of the letter from the IRS says to always refer to the EIN when corresponding with the IRS. The woman said she would have a ticket so I'd be asked to upload a photo of the entire EIN letter. I then told her I wanted a $50 statement credit for the hassle they'd put me through. After all. . . They could have asked for this a month ago. They could have mentioned this any of the previous times I'd been on the phone. At that point I'd spent OVER FIVE AND A HALF HOURS on the phone with eBay. That's FIVE AND A HALF HOURS of time I could have spent watching Dash-cam videos on Youtube. She told me she couldn't give me a statement credit. I know this can be done because I've gotten credits twice before. I told her to put a manager on the phone. She said she'd have a manager call me. That was the evening before Thanksgiving. On Saturday afternoon a man from ebay called me and left a message saying he was sorry I was having problems and that if I continued to have problems the online help menu would me. He left no number for me to call him back. When I called the number he'd called on, I got a recorded ebay message saying this number was not in use and to seek help with the online help menu.
Piss on my leg and tell me it's raining!On Tuesday I still hadn't gotten a request for me to upload an additional photo of the taxpayer EIN sheet, so I asked ebay to call me again. The woman called a few hours later, but I wasn't home so she left a message telling me to consult the online help menu. I also hadn't gotten my money so I changed the payoiyt from weekly to daily. I'm noit sure because the system doesn't keep track of "attempts" but I think they try every few days. On Wednesday, I ran errands all day and had no chance to have eBay call me. I talked on the phone with a friend and bitched about all this. While I was on the phone I looked and my money hadn't gone through, and there was still no request to upload information. That was in the afternoon. When I checked email after dinner I found this message from eBay:
Message 12-2-2020 Previously, we notified you that you’re required to submit information for confirmation requirements. However, it appears that you haven’t provided this information. Until we receive that information, your listing, buying, and communication activity have been restricted to ensure a safe trading environment for you and the eBay community. Your active listings have been ended, and we will credit the listing fees for these items. Additionally, your payouts have been placed on a temporary hold until we can confirm your identity or financial data. As a preventative measure, we’re committed to reducing fraud and negative buying experiences on the site. To maintain a safe marketplace, eBay may restrict selling activity, end active items, or suspend accounts until information on the account is verified. To remove the restriction from your account, please use the link below to log in and provide the required documentation, which is as well outlined in the original email you received. LINK here opens Seller Hub overview page. Note that the message refers to previous notifications. There are no notifications on my seller hub page, and no requests for information.
Additionally, a look at my messages from ebay shows NO messages from ebay that could have been the previous request for required information.
You can see when I talked to the first eBay rep on November 23rd and they asked me for feedback and I updated the payment information. Then the selling limits are changed twice, then I canceled the store because it has no value if they give me 200 free auctions a month. I realized the store was worthless when I was on hold with the woman where I finally just hung up. Then some more requests for feedback from me talking to reps on the phone. Then on December 2nd the account restricted notice I pasted in above and note saying they won't be charging my credit card for the next week because my account is restructed. I don't see any message asking me to upload information. Should be right thre between the 25th and the 2nd. One other important realization. . . Note that the second paragraph says “your payouts have been placed on a temporary hold until we can confirm your identity or financial data.” They put a hold on my payouts at least 30 days ago, and this is the first I've heard of it. I said I was afraid I'd ship and never be paid. I was told on the phone that ebay would never hold my money. Obviously just another lie. I think the whole point here is the reps will say anything to get to us off the line. They lie. Worse than the lies. . . They just don't know. I'm done. I am now telling eBay to mail me a check. This account is where I sell small new items. I can ship them to Amazon. I don't know how, but I know who to ask for advice. The other account is not having any of these problems. But I can't trust it. I recently looked at a large collection of trains and toys. If I can't trust that I can sell and be paid, then I cannot spend money buying to resell on eBay. I basically retired when I was fifty, and then got caught up in all this selling on eBay. I'm really good at buying old toys and trains. I'm also pretty good at listing on ebay without wasting much time or money. I don't need the aggravation. I changed the big account's payout settings to daily. I already blew out all the Christmas related toys I put away over the year. Between now and Christmas I'll sell only fixed price listings.
I don't know what I'll do next year. I'm thinking I'll do a few hours of listing a week on the other account, and sell about $500 a week. If eBay decides to keep my money, maybe I'll start going fishing?
One last note. My friend told me I could just create a new eBay account. For the small one I could, but for the big one I couldn't. You see with a new eBay account, eBay would hold the money until the buyer got the item. Ebay would call it “proccessing” but I'd still have to wait weeks for my money. is now available for immediate download. Many of the articles and free reports here on IWantCollectibles were originally sent to readers of my Antiques and eBay Newsletter. Not all articles make it onto the website, and readers also get notices of free reports and special offers. ![]()
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